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The code library is our own collection of code fragments, function packages, and Web editor extensions - a resource containing generalized code, specific workarounds, and good ideas that you can use to enhance your pages in ways you may not know how (or may not want to bother) to program.

Code samples are provided free for use on your own Web pages, but modification and redistribution of the code may depend on the author. Any code that you copy and paste or download from our site is subject to this disclaimer.

Editor Extensions
Extend the capabilites of your HTML editor (Dreamweaver, for example) with downloadable behaviors and objects.

Routines to aid you in the JavaScript development process and help you write better code.

Core libraries for cross-platform DHTML, animation functions, and visual trickery.

Forms & Data
Gathering information from the browser, processing form elements, and communicating data from page to page.

User Interface
Rollovers, menu bars, page conditionalization, and routines to create dynamic, user-centered design.

Layout & CSS
Scaling design, relative layout, conditional colors, and routines for scripting your design.

Language Extensions
The JavaScript running in your browser is a fully featured, Turing-capable language, but it doesn't quite do everything. These scripts teach that old JavaScript dog some useful new tricks.

E-Business |  Multimedia |  Stylesheets |