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This section is aimed at helping online gamers configure their broadband router and Playstation 3 (PS3) for online play and connecting to the Playstation Network. There are two stages to configuring your Playstation 3 for online play: Configuring the firewall/port forwarding on your broadband router and setting the Network preferences on the PS3 itself. If you require any additional help or more detailed instructions on setting up and/or configuring your new Playstation 3, then please feel free to contact us for more help. PLEASE NOTE that we can only provide telephone support to our own Orpheus broadband subscribers. Configuring the Playstation 3 Network Settings
How would you like to setup your Playstation 3?
Configuring and understanding Firewall Rules
This section has now moved to it's own page so that we can expand and clarify our notes on configuring your firewall. Online Gaming
As you may have spotted in our firewall instructions, I've included a couple of other ports in the standard Playstation Network access, as ports 3659 and 3660 seem to be needed for joining MotorStorm online games. Sony's online manual doesn't make it entirely clear which ports are required for certain games, which can cause problems connecting, depending upon how secure your firewall is. The following table contains some of the ports required open by some popular games.
N.B. This table is subject to revision as more information is discovered. An example showing online gaming ports configured is shown in fig.3 Fig.3 - Completed firewall rules, with additional rules for online gaming. RFoM settings subject to change since screenshot - see table above for actual values! Once you have configured the various firewall settings on your router, don't forget to Save your router choices by clicking on the relevant save button to ensure that all your changes are programmed permanently into the router. Other PS3 Resources