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Webmonkey | birthday

Grease Those Paws

Leave Your Mark
<creepy whisper>Psst! Hey! Have you signed Webmonkey's birthday card yet? No? How weird!</creepy whisper> (Thanks, sister-site HTMLGear, for the message board.)

Meet the Monkeys
Shake hands, and then shake that booty, with the many talented and inbred people who've kept Webmonkey's heart rate elevated lo these many years:

Take a Piece Home with You
Cute up your site with some Monkeys of your very own:
Grab a Monkey logo

wow! pictures! holy cats!
A Peek at Webmonkey HQ
Al Capone's vault has been cracked, Oscar the Grouch's can opened. And now, finally, we send a probe inside Webmonkey's inner sanctum.
Get the pictures >>

Frontdoors of Yesteryear
Webmonkey has had more looks than Madonna and Dana Carvey combined (not a sexy thought). Why, do you remember ...

The clunking Java wrench?
The slip-and-slide nav-bar?
The you-are-getting-sleepy design?
That tidy, tidy layout?

Happy Birthday Webmonkey!

Hey! Webmonkey turns six years young this month! (<!-- #include virtual="cringifying.joke.about.web.years.htmlf" -->) To celebrate, we're taking a teensy trot down memory lane. Join us, won't you, as we visit the nooks and crannies, failures and successes that have made Webmonkey what it is today: Hungry for more cake.
If you're looking for someone to eat lunch with, or slow dance all the way through "Stairway to Heaven" with, then sorry! These Webmonkey Tutorials are already taken. THAT'S how popular they are (pageview-wise, at least).

What were we thinking? No, really, if you know, tell us ... we honestly can't remember.

Cheap and Cool Photos
This has absolutely nothing to do with the Web, but it's one of our all-time favorite articles.


Yes, even Webmonkey backs the wrong horse every once in a long, long while. I know, can you believe it? But each clunker provides a quaint reminder of the way the Web once was — guaranteed to leave you misty-eyed!

Geek Rockers Jam with Shockwave Streaming Audio
Streaming with Shockwave? Back in 1996, some people around here actually thought it was a good idea. Actually, back then, it really was a good idea. (Check out the link geared to 14.4 modems. Man.)

Multicasting and the Mbone
The MBone's connected to the ... not much any more.

ActiveX Controls in Internet Explorer 4.0
Ooh! ActiveX! Though it certainly wasn't the last of Microsoft's proprietary browser wing-dings, at least it was short-lived.

FireWired for Speed
According to this 1998 article, we were going to "start seeing backward-compatible stereo components, televisions, DVD players, and possibly even FireWire-equipped VCRs in the not-too-distant future." Then why can't my iPod, TiVo, Windows XP PC, Playstation 2, Toshiba DVD, and Quasar Microwave talk to each other? Hm.