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All about News/Usenet

Orpheus provide a comprehensive usenet feed to our subscribers. Whilst there are in excess of 104,000 newsgroups available, we've carried the Usenet Eight hierarchies which include;

  • comp.* - computer science subjects
  • humanities.* - humanities subjects
  • misc.* - miscellaneous subjects
  • news.* - news topics
  • rec.* - recreational subjects
  • sci.* - science topics
  • soc.* - sociological subjects
  • talk.* - controversial subjects

In addition, we provide the following three hierarchies

  • alt.* - alternative subjects (very varied) All newsgroups carried except binaries, which are currently available on demand.
  • argonet.* - the original Argonet newsgroups, semi-exclusive to Orpheus - ie. some ISPs don't carry this newsgroup.
  • uk.* - UK specific subjects

A complete list (99,934) of newsgroups is available to download here. [2152KB]

Local Newsgroups

In July 2007 we implemented our own news server in parallel to our main newsfeed, in order to offer our subscribers the exclusive orpheus.* hierarchy. This provides the following local newsgroups, available to all subscribers.

  • orpheus.announce For important announcements (moderated)
  • orpheus.riscos.apps For discussing RISC OS applications and their usage
  • orpheus.riscos.misc For miscellaneous discussions of all things RISC OS
  • orpheus.zfc An exclusive ZFC (Zimmer Frame Club) newsgroup

We can create additional local newsgroups on request. Please contact us

Connecting to News

Internet news/usenet access uses a protocol known as NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) and is downloaded by your computer by a News Agent (MTA) and then viewed by a news client such as Pluto, MT_News or Thunderbird.

Our news server is called

Note for advanced users:
NNTP uses port 119 so you may need to ensure that any firewall you have in use allows incoming traffic on this port.

RISC OS Voyager users should ensure that the news server is set correctly by checking the Preferences -> News... settings. Scroll to the bottom of the window and ensure that the Use alternative news server is ticked and that is entered in the writable icon. For more information on Voyager, click here.

RISC OS Ant Suite users should ensure that the news setup has the Use XHDR option on (ticked).

Potential problems with News

Our news server has restricted access so that only Orpheus subscribers can connect to it. If you're not connected to Orpheus you will receive a "You have no permission to talk" or somesuch error message. If you encounter this and you are connecting via Orpheus, then please contact us quoting the number below:


We can then investigate and check that you have permission to connect.

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